El presente Política de Privacidad establece los términos en que Vidaviva Ecoturismo Vacacional S.L. usa y protege la información que es proporcionada por sus usuarios al momento de utilizar su sitio web. Esta compañía está comprometida con la seguridad de los datos de sus usuarios. Cuando le pedimos llenar los campos de información personal con la cual usted pueda ser identificado, lo hacemos asegurando que sólo se empleará de acuerdo con los términos de este documento. Sin embargo esta Política de Privacidad puede cambiar con el tiempo o ser actualizada por lo que le recomendamos y enfatizamos revisar continuamente esta página para asegurarse que está de acuerdo con dichos cambios.
Nuestro sitio web podrá recoger información personal por ejemplo: Nombre, información de contacto como su dirección de correo electrónica e información demográfica. Así mismo cuando sea necesario podrá ser requerida información específica para procesar algún pedido o realizar una entrega o facturación.
Nuestro sitio web emplea la información con el fin de proporcionar el mejor servicio posible, particularmente para mantener un registro de usuarios, de pedidos en caso que aplique, y mejorar nuestros productos y servicios. Es posible que sean enviados correos electrónicos periódicamente a través de nuestro sitio con ofertas especiales, nuevos productos y otra información publicitaria que consideremos relevante para usted o que pueda brindarle algún beneficio, estos correos electrónicos serán enviados a la dirección que usted proporcione y podrán ser cancelados en cualquier momento.
Vidaviva Ecoturismo Vacacional S.L. está altamente comprometido para cumplir con el compromiso de mantener su información segura. Usamos los sistemas más avanzados y los actualizamos constantemente para asegurarnos que no exista ningún acceso no autorizado.
Una cookie se refiere a un fichero que es enviado con la finalidad de solicitar permiso para almacenarse en su ordenador, al aceptar dicho fichero se crea y la cookie sirve entonces para tener información respecto al tráfico web, y también facilita las futuras visitas a una web recurrente. Otra función que tienen las cookies es que con ellas las web pueden reconocerte individualmente y por tanto brindarte el mejor servicio personalizado de su web.
Nuestro sitio web emplea las cookies para poder identificar las páginas que son visitadas y su frecuencia. Esta información es empleada únicamente para análisis estadístico y después la información se elimina de forma permanente. Usted puede eliminar las cookies en cualquier momento desde su ordenador. Sin embargo las cookies ayudan a proporcionar un mejor servicio de los sitios web, estás no dan acceso a información de su ordenador ni de usted, a menos de que usted así lo quiera y la proporcione directamente, visitas a una web . Usted puede aceptar o negar el uso de cookies, sin embargo la mayoría de navegadores aceptan cookies automáticamente pues sirve para tener un mejor servicio web. También usted puede cambiar la configuración de su ordenador para declinar las cookies. Si se declinan es posible que no pueda utilizar algunos de nuestros servicios.
Host | Name | Description | Lifespan |
www.lodgify.com | _icl_current_language | This cookie name is associated with a WordPress multilingual plug-in from WPML. It stores a language value for the website. Where the cookie is set in response to a user action or request, and as long as it has a short lifespan, it can be treated as strictly necessary. | session |
.lodgify.com | __cfduid | Cookie associated with sites using CloudFlare, used to speed up page load times. According to CloudFlare it is used to override any security restrictions based on the IP address the visitor is coming from. It does not contain any user identification information. | 1 year |
.lodgify.com | __tld__ | Used for event booking. | a few seconds |
.lodgify.com | _gat_omTrackeragirw9iqwawwggxscdla | Used to throttle request rate. | a few seconds |
.lodgify.com | _gat_omTrackercgn3ptjlnpr4zngwjdh3 | Used to throttle request rate. | a few seconds |
.lodgify.com | _gat_omTrackercjflj60ordkhomys4xjb | Used to throttle request rate. | a month |
.lodgify.com | _gat_omTrackerdhrqhdp7ic2zrtq5vow1 | Used to throttle request rate. | a month |
.lodgify.com | _gat_omTrackerebbd7sol1geedjnqavv4 | Used to throttle request rate. | a month |
.lodgify.com | _gat_omTrackergpo4l0cmc7nchv3pkmyz | Used to throttle request rate. | a month |
.lodgify.com | _gat_omTrackerhacoofhctyw76v6i7j1h | Used to throttle request rate. | a few seconds |
.lodgify.com | _gat_omTrackerhx5lx0vmxoh7yvvrpqyr | Used to throttle request rate. | a month |
.lodgify.com | _gat_omTrackerjemfcnbpapxhthyvtqfp | Used to throttle request rate. | a month |
.lodgify.com | _gat_omTrackerlwa0qreokevayaut | Used to throttle request rate. | a few seconds |
.lodgify.com | _gat_omTrackerqcw9efew3lse6oqduwiw | Used to throttle request rate. | a few seconds |
.lodgify.com | _gat_omTrackertiwsaqtifrcowchl | Used to throttle request rate. | a month |
.lodgify.com | _gat_omTrackertvgmqsjfx22hvcqy | Used to throttle request rate. | a month |
.lodgify.com | _gat_omTrackervmlhmdaok3fuz38ezdma | Used to throttle request rate. | a month |
.lodgify.com | _gat_omTrackerwuhxu4rwehkpn2xiqnxz | Used to throttle request rate. | a few seconds |
.lodgify.com | _gat_omTrackerwzydypvexkf1ykpzuxl4 | Used to throttle request rate. | a few seconds |
.lodgify.com | _gat_omTrackerxrawywhmsrytea4sad0m | Used to throttle request rate. | a few seconds |
.lodgify.com | _gat_omTrackeryfufgflwzfczb3tuv76f | Used to throttle request rate. | a month |
.lodgify.com | _gat_pub_social | Used to throttle request rate. | a month |
.lodgify.com | _uetsid | This cookie is used by Bing to determine what ads should be shown that may be relevant to the end user perusing the site. | a month |
.lodgify.com | ajs_anonymous_id | These cookies are generally used for Analytics and help count how many people visit a certain site by tracking if you have visited before. | a year |
.lodgify.com | ajs_group_id | These cookies track visitor usage and events within the website. | a year |
.lodgify.com | ajs_user_id | This cookie helps track visitor usage, events, target marketing, and can also measure application performance and stability. | a year |
.lodgify.com | ajs%3Acookies | This cookie supports use, service performance, and functionality of websites | a year |
.lodgify.com | ajs%3Atest | This performance cookie counts visits and tracks other website traffic-related metrics. | a year |
.lodgify.com | amplitude_id_c4e81ed2ef4c9c2e732c49193b20d79flodgify.com | We use Amplitude to identify unique users visits in order to keep accurate web analytics. | 10 years |
.lodgify.com | amplitude_idundefinedlodgify.com | We use Amplitude to identify unique users visits in order to keep accurate web analytics. | session |
.lodgify.com | amplitude_testlodgify.com | We use Amplitude to identify unique users visits in order to keep accurate web analytics. | 10 years |
.lodgify.com | intercom-id-v1joxats | We use Intercom to to chat with prospective and existing customers for support puroses. | 9 months |
.lodgify.com | LD_R | This cookie is used by LeadDyno for affiliate marketing activity. | A hundred years |
.lodgify.com | LD_S | This cookie is used by LeadDyno for affiliate marketing activity. | a month |
.lodgify.com | LD_T | This cookie is used by LeadDyno for affiliate marketing activity. | 10 years |
.lodgify.com | LD_U | This cookie is used by LeadDyno for affiliate marketing activity. | A hundred years |
.lodgify.com | ldgfy-tracking | We use this cookie to track the leads first point of contact. | 3 months |
.lodgify.com | messagesUtk | This cookie helps us to track visitors using the HubSpot messages feature. | 2 years |
.lodgify.com | mp_c947862e3eb83c7c87bda635a7ad73c9_mixpanel | This ookie is used for business analytics. We use Mixpanel to help us understand how our customers use our product. | A year |
use.lodgify.com | _omappvp | These cookies are used by OptinMonster to identify new vs. returning visitors for behavioural marketing purposes. | 10 years |
use.lodgify.com | _omappvs | These cookies are used by OptinMonster to identify new vs. returning visitors for behavioural marketing purposes. | session |
www.lodgify.com | _omappvp | These cookies are used by OptinMonster to identify new vs. returning visitors for behavioural marketing purposes. | 11 years |
www.lodgify.com | _omappvs | These cookies are used by OptinMonster to identify new vs. returning visitors for behavioural marketing purposes. | session |
www.lodgify.com | amplitude_cookie_test | This cookie allows us to track traffic cources and metrics so that we can improve the performance of our website. | session |
www.lodgify.com | LD_T | This cookie is used by LeadDyno for affiliate marketing activity. | A hundred years |
www.lodgify.com | mp_c947862e3eb83c7c87bda635a7ad73c9_mixpanel | This ookie is used for business analytics. We use Mixpanel to help us understand how our customers use our product. | A year |
www.lodgify.com | ngx_geoip_cc | This cookie helps us to identify the country based on IP number. | session |
Performance Cookies for www.lodgify.com | |||
First Party | |||
Host | Name | Description | Lifespan |
.lodgify.com | optimizelyPendingLogEvents | Cookie set by the Optimizely website optimization platform. Records user activity. | a few seconds |
.lodgify.com | _gid | This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics. This appears to be a new cookie and as of Spring 2017 no information is available from Google. It appears to store and update a unique value for each page visited. | a day |
.lodgify.com | _gat | This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics, according to documentation it is used to throttle the request rate – limiting the collection of data on high traffic sites. It expires after 10 minutes. | a few seconds |
www.lodgify.com | _hjIncludedInSample | This cookie is associated with web analytics functionality and services from Hot Jar, a Malta based company. It uniquely identifies a visitor during a single browser session and indicates they are included in an audience sample. | session |
.lodgify.com | optimizelyBuckets | Cookie set by the Optimizely website optimization platform. Used to store the page variants assigned to a user for A/B performance testing, to ensure the user gets a consistent experience | 10 years |
.lodgify.com | optimizelyEndUserId | Cookie set by the Optimizely website optimization platform. This cookie is a unique user identifier | 10 years |
.lodgify.com | __hstc | This cookie name is associated with websites built on the HubSpot platform. It is reported by them as being used for website analytics. | 2 years |
.lodgify.com | __hssc | This cookie name is associated with websites built on the HubSpot platform. It is reported by them as being used for website analytics. | 30 minutes |
.lodgify.com | _ga | This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics – which is a significant update to Google’s more commonly used analytics service. This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is included in each page request in a site and used to calculate visitor, session and campaign data for the sites analytics reports. By default it is set to expire after 2 years, although this is customizable by website owners. | 2 years |
.lodgify.com | __hssrc | This cookie name is associated with websites built on the HubSpot platform. It is reported by them as being used for website analytics. | session |
.lodgify.com | optimizelySegments | This cookie is set by the Optimizely website optimization platform. It holds audience segmentation information for a visitor. | 10 years |
Functionality Cookies for www.lodgify.com | |||
First Party | |||
Host | Name | Description | Lifespan |
www.lodgify.com | cookietest | Common cookie name could have a number of different origins. Where this is first party and a session cookie, its most likely to do with checking to see if the browser is set to block or allow cookies. | session |
www.lodgify.com | cookietest | Common cookie name could have a number of different origins. Where this is first party and a session cookie, its most likely to do with checking to see if the browser is set to block or allow cookies. | session |
www.lodgify.com | cookietest | Common cookie name could have a number of different origins. Where this is first party and a session cookie, its most likely to do with checking to see if the browser is set to block or allow cookies. | session |
www.lodgify.com | cookietest | Common cookie name could have a number of different origins. Where this is first party and a session cookie, its most likely to do with checking to see if the browser is set to block or allow cookies. | session |
.lodgify.com | hubspotutk | This cookie name is associated with websites built on the HubSpot platform. HubSpot report that its purpose is user authentication. As a persistent rather than a session cookie it cannot be classified as Strictly Necessary. | 10 years |
Third Party | |||
Host | Name | Description | Lifespan |
.areyouahuman.com | aoc | This is a USA based service to allow a website to distinguish between robot (bot) and human visitors, to enable site owners to determine how the website should respond, such as by refusing access to page content to a bot. | a year |
.areyouahuman.com | ayah_distiltag_sync | This is a USA based service to allow a website to distinguish between robot (bot) and human visitors, to enable site owners to determine how the website should respond, such as by refusing access to page content to a bot. | 25 days |
Targeting Cookies for www.lodgify.com | |||
Third Party | |||
Host | Name | Description | Lifespan |
.facebook.com | datr | This domain is owned by Facebook, which is the world’s largest social networking service. As a third party host provider, it mostly collects data on the interests of users via widgets such as the ‘Like’ button found on many websites. This is used to serve targeted advertising to its users when logged into its services. In 2014 it also started serving up behaviorally targeted advertising on other websites, similar to most dedicated online marketing companies. This cookie identifies the browser connecting to Facebook. It is not directly tied to individual Facebook the user. Facebook reports that it is used to help with security and suspicious login activity, especially around detection of bots trying to access the service. Facebook also say the behavioral profile associated with each date cookie is deleted after 10 days. This cookie is also read via Like and other Facebook buttons and tags placed on many different websites. | a year |
.adsrvr.org | TDID | This domain is owned by TheTradeDesk. The main business activity is: Ad Serving Platform | a year |
.lijit.com | ljt_reader | This domain is owned by Federated Media Publishing. The main business activity is: Advertising | a year |
.tapad.com | TapAd_DID | This domain is owned by Tapad Inc. a US based company that provides technology to track users across devices to enhance targeting capabilities. | a month |
.crwdcntrl.net | _cc_cc | This domain is owned by Lotame. The main business activity is: Data Management Platform – Targeting /Advertising | 8 months |
.ads.linkedin.com | BizoID | This domain is owned by LinkedIn, the business networking platform. This sub-domain is connected with LinkedIn’s marketing services that enable website owners to gain insight into types of users on their site based on LinkedIn profile data, to improve targetng. | 6 months |
.facebook.com | fr | This domain is owned by Facebook, which is the world’s largest social networking service. As a third party host provider, it mostly collects data on the interests of users via widgets such as the ‘Like’ button found on many websites. This is used to serve targeted advertising to its users when logged into its services. In 2014 it also started serving up behaviourally targeted advertising on other websites, similar to most dedicated online marketing companies. Contains browser and user unique ID combinaton, used for targeted advertising. | 3 months |
.linkedin.com | lidc | This domain is owned by LinkedIn, the business networking platform. It typically acts as a third party host where website owners have placed one of its content sharing buttons in their pages, although its content and services can be embedded in other ways. Although such buttons add functionality to the website they are on, cookies are set regardless of whether or not the visitor has an active Linkedin profile, or agreed to their terms and conditions. For this reason it is classified as a primarily tracking/targeting domain. | a day |
.google.com | APISID | This domain is owned by Google Inc. Although Google is primarily known as a search engine, the company provides a diverse range of products and services. Its main source of revenue however is advertising. Google tracks users extensively both through its own products and sites, and the numerous technologies embedded into many millions of websites around the world. It uses the data gathered from most of these services to profile the interests of web users and sell advertising space to organizations based on such interest profiles as well as aligning adverts to the content on the pages where its customer’s adverts appear. | a year |
.google.com | SSID | This domain is owned by Google Inc. Although Google is primarily known as a search engine, the company provides a diverse range of products and services. Its main source of revenue however is advertising. Google tracks users extensively both through its own products and sites, and the numerous technologies embedded into many millions of websites around the world. It uses the data gathered from most of these services to profile the interests of web users and sell advertising space to organizations based on such interest profiles as well as aligning adverts to the content on the pages where its customer’s adverts appear. | a year |
.linkedin.com | bcookie | This domain is owned by LinkedIn, the business networking platform. It typically acts as a third party host where website owners have placed one of its content sharing buttons in their pages, although its content and services can be embedded in other ways. Although such buttons add functionality to the website they are on, cookies are set regardless of whether or not the visitor has an active Linkedin profile or agreed to their terms and conditions. For this reason, it is classified as a primarily tracking/targeting domain. | a year |
.tynt.com | __cfduid | This domain is owned by Tynt. The main business activity is: Content sharing and linking services | a year |
.facebook.com | lu | This domain is owned by Facebook, which is the world’s largest social networking service. As a third party host provider, it mostly collects data on the interests of users via widgets such as the ‘Like’ button found on many websites. This is used to serve targeted advertising to its users when logged into its services. In 2014 it also started serving up behaviorally targeted advertising on other websites, similar to most dedicated online marketing companies. Used to manage the login process, remembers user on return visit if they choose to stay logged in. | a year |
.youtube.com | VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE | YouTube is a Google owned platform for hosting and sharing videos. YouTube collects user data through videos embedded in websites, which is aggregated with profile data from other Google services in order to display targeted advertising to web visitors across a broad range of their own and other websites. This cookie is used as a unique identifier to track viewing of videos | 22 days |
.bluekai.com | bku | This domain is owned by Blue Kai. The main business activity is: Advertising/Audience Targeting | 5 months |
.ml314.com | u | This domain appears to be connected to a company called Bombora, a USA based audience targeting and intelligence business. | a month |
.bluekai.com | bkdc | This domain is owned by Blue Kai. The main business activity is: Advertising/Audience Targeting | 5 months |
.linkedin.com | __utma | This domain is owned by LinkedIn, the business networking platform. It typically acts as a third-party host where website owners have placed one of its content sharing buttons in their pages, although its content and services can be embedded in other ways. Although such buttons add functionality to the website they are on, cookies are set regardless of whether or not the visitor has an active Linkedin profile or agreed to their terms and conditions. For this reason, it is classified as a primarily tracking/targeting domain. | a year |
.youtube.com | PREF | YouTube is a Google owned platform for hosting and sharing videos. YouTube collects user data through videos embedded in websites, which is aggregated with profile data from other Google services in order to display targeted advertising to web visitors across a broad range of their own and other websites. This is a common Google cookie, used across several of their services. Stores user preference can be used to personalize ads on google searches | 5 years |
.pinterest.com | __utma | This domain is owned by Pinterest. The main business activity is: Social Content Sharing platform | a year |
.crwdcntrl.net | _cc_id | This domain is owned by Lotame. The main business activity is: Data Management Platform – Targeting /Advertising | 8 months |
.shareaholic.com | p_locc_user_id_Lifespan | This domain is owned by Shareaholic, a USA based company providing native advertising and promoted content services. | 12 days |
.w55c.net | wfivefivec | This domain is owned by Dataxu. The main business activity is: Advertising | a year |
.demdex.net | demdex | This domain is owned by Adobe – Audience Manager. The main business activity is: Online profiling for targeted marketing This cookie helps Adobe Audience Manger perform basic functions such as visitor identification, ID synchronization, segmentation, modeling, reporting, etc. | 6 months |
.dpm.demdex.net | dpm | This domain is owned by Adobe Audience Manager. The main business activity is online profiling for targeted marketing. | 6 months |
.linkedin.com | __utmv | This domain is owned by LinkedIn, the business networking platform. It typically acts as a third-party host where website owners have placed one of its content sharing buttons in their pages, although its content and services can be embedded in other ways. Although such buttons add functionality to the website they are on, cookies are set regardless of whether or not the visitor has an active Linkedin profile or agreed to their terms and conditions. For this reason, it is classified as a primarily tracking/targeting domain. | a year |
.shareaholic.com | c_id | This domain is owned by Shareaholic, a USA based company providing native advertising and promoted content services. | 2 years |
.google.com | NID | This domain is owned by Google Inc. Although Google is primarily known as a search engine, the company provides a diverse range of products and services. Its main source of revenue however is advertising. Google tracks users extensively both through its own products and sites, and the numerous technologies embedded into many millions of websites around the world. It uses the data gathered from most of these services to profile the interests of web users and sell advertising space to organizations based on such interest profiles as well as aligning adverts to the content on the pages where its customer’s adverts appear. | 6 months |
.rfihub.com | rud | This domain is owned by Rocketfuel. The main business activity is: Advertising | a year |
.shareaholic.com | p_orc_pr_1 | This domain is owned by Shareaholic, a USA based company providing native advertising and promoted content services. | 4 days |
bat.bing.com | MUIDB | This domain is owned by Microsoft – it is the site for the search engine Bing. | a year |
.tapad.com | TapAd_TTD_SYNC | This domain is owned by Tapad Inc. a US based company that provides technology to track users across devices to enhance targeting capabilities. | a month |
.rlcdn.com | drtn1049335225 | This domain is owned by Live Ramp Inc, providers of a platform for targeted marketing and profiling. | 6 months |
.scorecardresearch.com | UID | This domain is owned by ScorecardResearch (comScore). The main business activity is: Advertising | 2 years |
.rlcdn.com | rtn1-z | This domain is owned by Live Ramp Inc, providers of a platform for targeted marketing and profiling. | 6 months |
.ads.linkedin.com | UserMatchHistory | This domain is owned by LinkedIn, the business networking platform. This sub-domain is connected with LinkedIn’s marketing services that enable website owners to gain insight into types of users on their site based on LinkedIn profile data, to improve targeting. | 6 months |
.tapad.com | TapAd_TS | This domain is owned by Tapad Inc. a US based company that provides technology to track users across devices to enhance targeting capabilities. | a month |
.krxd.net | _kuid_ | This domain is owned by Krux Digital, a US company providing a data management platform which enables real time profiling of visitor interests. | 6 months |
.crwdcntrl.net | _cc_aud | This domain is owned by Lotame. The main business activity is: Data Management Platform – Targeting /Advertising | 8 months |
.adnxs.com | sess | This domain is owned by AppNexus Inc. The company provides a range of online advertising technology and services. | a day |
.bing.com | MUID | This domain is owned by Mircosoft – it is the site for the search engine Bing. | a year |
.adform.net | uid | This domain is owned by Adform. The main business activity is: Real time bidding for display advertising to targeted audiences. | a month |
.mathtag.com | uuidc | This domain is owned by MediaMath Inc. a US based digital advertising business. | a year |
.adnxs.com | uuid2 | This domain is owned by AppNexus Inc. The company provides a range of online advertising technology and services. | 2 months |
.ml314.com | tp | This domain appears to be connected to a company called Bombora, a USA based audience targeting and intelligence business. | 12 days |
.ml314.com | pi | This domain appears to be connected to a company called Bombora, a USA based audience targeting and intelligence business. | a year |
.rlcdn.com | drtn359551561 | This domain is owned by Live Ramp Inc, providers of a platform for targeted marketing and profiling. | 6 months |
.linkedin.com | __qca | This domain is owned by LinkedIn, the business networking platform. It typically acts as a third-party host where website owners have placed one of its content sharing buttons in their pages, although its content and services can be embedded in other ways. Although such buttons add functionality to the website they are on, cookies are set regardless of whether or not the visitor has an active Linkedin profile or agreed to their terms and conditions. For this reason, it is classified as a primarily tracking/targeting domain. | a year |
.adsrvr.org | TDCPM | This domain is owned by TheTradeDesk. The main business activity is: Ad Serving Platform | a year |
.google.com | SID | This domain is owned by Google Inc. Although Google is primarily known as a search engine, the company provides a diverse range of products and services. Its main source of revenue however is advertising. Google tracks users extensively both through its own products and sites, and the numerous technologies embedded into many millions of websites around the world. It uses the data gathered from most of these services to profile the interests of web users and sell advertising space to organizations based on such interest profiles as well as aligning adverts to the content on the pages where its customer’s adverts appear. This cookie is used by Google in combination with HSID to verify a Google user account and most recent login time. | a year |
.ads.linkedin.com | lang | This domain is owned by LinkedIn, the business networking platform. This sub-domain is connected with LinkedIn’s marketing services that enable website owners to gain insight into types of users on their site based on LinkedIn profile data, to improve targeting. | session |
.google.com | SAPISID | This domain is owned by Google Inc. Although Google is primarily known as a search engine, the company provides a diverse range of products and services. Its main source of revenue however is advertising. Google tracks users extensively both through its own products and sites, and the numerous technologies embedded into many millions of websites around the world. It uses the data gathered from most of these services to profile the interests of web users and sell advertising space to organizations based on such interest profiles as well as aligning adverts to the content on the pages where its customer’s adverts appear. | a year |
.rfihub.com | eud | This domain is owned by Rocketfuel. The main business activity is: Advertising | a year |
.taboola.com | t_gid | This domain is owned by Taboola Inc, a USA based company with multi-national presence. It provides targeted native advertising services. | a year |
de.tynt.com | pids | This domain is owned by Tynt. The main business activity is: Content sharing and linking services | 2 months |
.youtube.com | YSC | YouTube is a Google owned platform for hosting and sharing videos. YouTube collects user data through videos embedded in websites, which is aggregated with profile data from other Google services in order to display targeted advertising to web visitors across a broad range of their own and other websites. | session |
.eyeota.net | mako_uid | This domain is owned by Eyeota, a global company specializing in audience data to enable targeting of advertising based on visitor profiling. | a year |
.crwdcntrl.net | _cc_dc | This domain is owned by Lotame. The main business activity is: Data Management Platform – Targeting /Advertising | 8 months |
.turn.com | uid | This domain is owned by Turn. The main business activity is: Marketing and Data Management Platform provider | 6 months |
.doubleclick.net | id | This domain is owned by Doubleclick (Google). The main business activity is: Doubleclick is Googles real time bidding advertising exchange | a year |
.scorecardresearch.com | UIDR | This domain is owned by ScorecardResearch (comScore). The main business activity is: Advertising | 2 years |
.everesttech.net | everest_g_v2 | This domain is owned by Adobe. The main business activity is: Advertising | a year |
.shareaholic.com | p_locc_h | This domain is owned by Shareaholic, a USA based company providing native advertising and promoted content services. | 25 days |
.pinterest.com | _pinterest_sess | This domain is owned by Pinterest. The main business activity is: Social Content Sharing platform | 39 years |
.taboola.com | taboola_usg | This domain is owned by Taboola Inc, a USA based company with multi-national presence. It provides targeted native advertising services. | a year |
.google.com | HSID | This domain is owned by Google Inc. Although Google is primarily known as a search engine, the company provides a diverse range of products and services. Its main source of revenue however is advertising. Google tracks users extensively both through its own products and sites, and the numerous technologies embedded into many millions of websites around the world. It uses the data gathered from most of these services to profile the interests of web users and sell advertising space to organizations based on such interest profiles as well as aligning adverts to the content on the pages where its customer’s adverts appear. Used by Google in combination with SID to verify Google user account and most recent login time | a year |
.mathtag.com | uuid | This domain is owned by MediaMath Inc. a US based digital advertising business. | a year |
.rlcdn.com | ck1 | This domain is owned by Live Ramp Inc, providers of a platform for targeted marketing and profiling. | 6 months |
.rlcdn.com | rlas3 | This domain is owned by Live Ramp Inc, providers of a platform for targeted marketing and profiling. | 6 months |
.quantserve.com | mc | This domain is owned by Quantcast. The main business activity is: Market and Audience Segmentation, Targeted advertising services | a year |
.tynt.com | uid | This domain is owned by Tynt. The main business activity is: Content sharing and linking services | a year |
.shareaholic.com | lrc | This domain is owned by Shareaholic, a USA based company providing native advertising and promoted content services. | 25 days |
.pinterest.com | __utmv | This domain is owned by Pinterest. The main business activity is: Social Content Sharing platform | a year |
.rfihub.com | ruds | This domain is owned by Rocketfuel. The main business activity is: Advertising | session |
.cdbcdn.com | __cfduid | The __cfduid cookie is used to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and apply security settings on a per-client basis. | a year |
.cpx.to | cpSess | This cookie is owned by cPanel and is related tof cPanel Secure Remote Login. | session |
.giphy.com | __asc | The domain is owned by giphy.com. Analytics cookies are used to track and report information about website visitors. | 30 minutes |
.giphy.com | __auc | The domain is owned by giphy.com. Aggregate analysis of website visitors | a year |
.giphy.com | __qca | The _qca cookie may use your “computer’s IP address, pixel code, referring HTTP location, current HTTP location, search string, time of the access, browser’s time, any searches made on the applicable website, and other statistics” in order to “analyze Log Data from different websites and combine it with other non Personally Identifiable Information to produce the Reports that are made available on the Quantcast.com Site, to enable web publishers and advertisers to deliver audience segments that are appropriate for their products or services.” | a year |
.giphy.com | _ga | This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. | 2 years |
.giphy.com | _gat | Used to throttle request rate. | a few seconds |
.giphy.com | _gid | Used to distinguish users. | a day |
.hs-analytics.net | __cfduid | The dmain is owneby by Hubspot. The __cfduid cookie is used to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and apply security settings on a per-client basis. | a year |
.hs-scripts.com | __cfduid | Cookie assoiated with sites using CloudFlare, used to speed up page load times. According to CloudFlare it is used to override any security restrictions based on the IP address the visitor is coming from. It does not contain any user identification information. | a year |
.hsadspixel.net | __cfduid | Cookie assoiated with sites using CloudFlare, used to speed up page load times. According to CloudFlare it is used to override any security restrictions based on the IP address the visitor is coming from. It does not contain any user identification information. | a year |
.hubspot.com | __cfduid | Cookie assoiated with sites using CloudFlare, used to speed up page load times. According to CloudFlare it is used to override any security restrictions based on the IP address the visitor is coming from. It does not contain any user identification information. | a year |
.toky.co | PHPSESSID | Cookie generated by applications based on the PHP language. This is a general purpose identifier used to maintain user session variables. It is normally a random generated number, how it is used can be specific to the site, but a good example is maintaining a logged-in status for a user between pages. | a month |
.usemessages.com | __cfduid | Cookie assoiated with sites using CloudFlare, used to speed up page load times. According to CloudFlare it is used to override any security restrictions based on the IP address the visitor is coming from. It does not contain any user identification information. | a year |
.v12group.com | mc | The domain belongs to the V12 Group. The cookie is being used for online marketing purposes. | a year |
api-iam.intercom.io | _mkra_ctxt | The domain is owned by Intercom. The cookie is used for Support Chat. | a few seconds |
app.leaddyno.com | AWSALB | This cookie is used by LeadDyno for affiliate marketing activity. | 7 days |
app.toky.co | random_user | The domain is owned by Toky.co. Functions as a user ID used on click to call when caller has not logged in to Toky. | a year |
app.toky.co | TokyLang | The domain is owned by Toky.co. Contains information about selected language for the web app and click to call. | 3 months |
collector.leaddyno.com | AWSALB | This cookie is used by LeadDyno for affiliate marketing activity. | 7 days |
lodgify.leaddyno.com | AWSALB | This cookie is used by LeadDyno for affiliate marketing activity. | 7 days |
ps.eyeota.net | ONPLFTRH | This domain is owned by Eyeota, a global company specializing in audience data to enable targeting of advertising based on visitor profiling. | session |
www.instagram.com | csrftoken | This cookie is associated with the Django web development platform for Python. It is designed to help protect a site against at particular type of software attack on web forms. | a year |
www.instagram.com | mid | This domain is owned by Instagram and the cookie is used for online marketing purposes. | 20 years |
www.instagram.com | rur | This domain is owned by Instagram and the cookie is used for online marketing purposes. | session |
www.instagram.com | urlgen | This domain is owned by Instagram and the cookie is used for online marketing purposes. | session |
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Esta politica de privacidad se han generado en politicadeprivacidadplantilla.com.